Christmas Day 2020, X51 Mission Accomplished!
Seasons Greetings, Black Prince followers, I hope you are all having a great time over the festive weekend!...
The Christmas Day X51 bus service operated successfully for the 6th year in a row and having become somewhat a Christmas tradition for the people of Morley since that initial test run in 2015, "Covid" the Christmas Grinch was not about to bring an end to the red and yellow bus service!

The initial trial for 2015 was subjected to horrendous weather conditions, which of course developed throughout the day to become those awful boxing day floods.
Thankfully, 2020 brought bitterly cold but very nice conditions, with a bright blue sky and sunshine for the whole day, enabling some fantastic photographic records of the days service.
The bus in use was Mercedes-Benz, P441 SWX, previously prepared to satisfy the latest Covid-19 regulations, social distancing and hand cleansing facilities installed as required.
23 passengers were carried throughout the day, significantly less than usual but more than I had expected to use the service.

Thanks to Noel Bullock, Morley, information was communicated to the Yorkshire Evening Post website with a little bit about what we were doing during the day.
Huge thanks to all who helped with preparations or during the day, helping those who travelled get there safely.
Posted are some photographs I managed to snap during the day - you'll next have chance to travel on board a Black Prince bus NYD 2021, route 87 between Morley and the White Rose Centre - TT posted below... (Covid permitting!)
Cheers All!...