Updated: Apr 27, 2020
Hello Everyone,
I have spoken with Morley Town Council and it is with regret that the council have made the decision to cancel the Morley St George Festival for 2020 following Central Government advice regarding the Corona outbreak.
I'm not sure what the rest of the year has in store, but considering most public events and transport running days have been cancelled in the immediate future, I cannot see much happening for the next couple of months.
I still plan to run heritage buses on the Leeds-Wetherby corridor in July and The Leeds Running Day is still scheduled to go ahead in August, in conjunction with LCC and Classic Connections.
If anything changes or anything new is planned for the red and yellow bus fleet, I'll post it here on the blog and hope to see some Black Prince fans during the year!.
"Let it develop", as they used to say at Black Prince!
Meanwhile, good luck everyone during this "interesting" period...
Stay Well!