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Bradley McMullan


Hey All.

I've been following with great interest the epic journey being made by Adam Smith and friends, who have travelled from the UK to the UK - raine in recent days! I'm sure many of you will already be aware of this project but if not, Adam - along with project organiser, railway employee (and former owner of North Somerset Coaches) David Fricker and a small group of volunteers have taken a Volvo 9700 coach (GDZ435) - branded "Teddybusz" all the way from South West England to the border near Lviv.

The Volvo has been stuffed with cuddly toys destined for the Ukrainian children displaced by the Putin land grab and subsequent invasion of their homes. The teddies "and friends" have been donated over recent weeks and placed in storage, with the use of the Volvo being facilitated by Greenslades coaches.

The amount of donations seems to have been epic and I'm certain these lovely toys will at least give those poor children a little smile and a friend to cuddle up to in the light of the nonsense they are having to go through right now.

Teddybusz departed Britain (Portsmouth) on Sunday evening, docking in Caen, France and heading through Europe via France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Czecho, Slovakia and finally into Hungary where the operation will be based.

The plan is to distribute the toys at churches and other refugee shelters along the Hungary/Ukraine border area over the coming days, with the coach being used as required once the toys and aid are/is distributed.

It is awesome to see such amazing and honestly brave operations happening right now to help those poor folk who have been attacked by Vlad Putin - Adam Smith and co will be literally a few miles from the advancing army and it really does deserve high praise what these guys are doing to help those children feel a little more comfortable in the worst conditions.

There are some interesting links below, I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing them a safe return after the epic mission is completed.

One more thing... If you want to help in some way, there is a bank account link here which goes directly toward fuel contributions to keep the Volvo 9700 fed for the journey!...

Fuel contributions for the 1500 mile journey : 40-34-39 41488724 HSBC

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