Covid-19 Update "The Wetherby Wanderers"
Wetherby Update (Sat June 27 2020)
Hello Everyone,
Considering the latest review of UK Government Covid-19 related advice to commence Sat 4th July 2020, I have decided to go ahead with the Wetherby Running Day on Sun 5th July 2020 but subject to the following special operating conditions, mostly designed to accomodate Covid-19 safety regulations.
The service will be much reduced from the original plan, but will still run along the route and to a timetable (to be published ASAP)
There will be opportunity to ride on the buses, but I have decided the best way to organise this to fit with the widely adopted public transport social distance measures would be to allocate places on buses by invitation only, with names pulled out of a hat (then invite sent to the selected person) for fairness... (enthusiasts who are unable to ride the buses will of course be able to video or photograph from the streetside)
I shall be publishing this information additionally on the Black Prince website with a view to grasping as many company enthusiasts as possible to give a fair coverage.
The reason I am doing this, is to mitigate against the risk of large gatherings of prospective passengers which could be construed as inciting a gathering-this way, only the invited passengers will ride the buses from Leeds.
When the names are pulled from the hat, I shall allocate a journey accordingly and notify the required person.
The buses will run to a set circuit, Leeds-Wetherby-Bramham-Wetherby-Leeds.
I know this arrangement is not how the event was intended to pan out, but we have to work within limitations, also I cannot take the risk of hundreds coming to Q for buses which I would deem unacceptable right now.
I feel this is a great compromise and a good way for as many people to enjoy a ride or the sights and sounds of the buses on the Wetherby service once again-this running day will be the first classic bus day for several months both locally and nationally, so it could go either way i.e quiet or busy, so again I say the risk of hundreds coming along and forming Q's cannot be taken.
If you would like the chance to join one of the services, please do the following ...
E-Mail with your name and contact details, you'll be entered into the draw and informed IF you have been chosen to ride.
Thank you all for your support and consideration with revised arrangements, I hope as many of us as possible can enjoy a revised social distance day out!.