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Covid-19-Update "The Wetherby Wanderers"

Bradley McMullan

Wetherby Update (Sat June 6th 2020)

Good Afternoon All,

A further update to my previous bulletin is as follows...

Having spoken again with West Yorkshire Police today regarding the latest travel information provided by Government, I have had to give some serious thought to the Wetherby date.

There is a serious question mark over one part of the latest advice which is this, taken from the Gov.Uk website...

1.3 What else is a criminal offence?

It is a criminal offence to:

incite others to break the rules by e.g. inviting people to a party

I read this as potentially putting myself personally in the spotlight in the event of a report being made about my buses collecting groups or even my actions being taken as encouraging the gathering of groups along the way again in the event of a report being made to the police.

The discussion with WYP concluded with the current mutual thinking being, as the regulations are frequently modified and altered, keep the event live in the proposed format until one week before the due date, when the current regulation at that time can be studied and a decision made wether or not to operate this running day or postpone it until conditions are relaxed further.

Now this is obviously not what I want to do, but I can't put myself in the potential firing line to receive criticism or maybe more serious consequences as a result of encouraging a gathering of people roadside.

I shall keep a very watchful eye on the development of the conditions as we go along through June, but we shall have to make a snap decision in the week before the planned running day as to the way forward.

I hope we can have a presence in July, but let it develop for now.

Cheers All,


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