Connexionsbuses 20th Birthday Bash Sunday 17th July 2022
STOP PRESS ... The running schedule for the Connexionsbuses 20th Birthday Bash is now available, detailing the services and heritage vehicles operating during the event - Sunday 17th July ... The plan is to have a main event base at Wetherby Racecourse, with classic buses running over truncated versions of Connexionsbuses routes to York and Harrogate. The classic bus services will be accessible by car, bus and train - linking to the railway network at both York and Harrogate. We all of us involved will make a huge effort to run the highlighted vehicles to the specified timetable - but issues often arise with older traction so please don't be upset if the allocated vehicle is substituted or a service does not run. Lets hope for some sunshine to help Craig Temple and family celebrate 20 years of public service throughout Yorkshire! It is a pleasure to be able to join in with the party and hope to see plenty of people riding the buses during the day.