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All Aboard!-Black Prince @ the Dewsbury bus museum, spring running day 2016...

Bradley McMullan

In 2016, preserved Black Prince buses can be seen supporting the program of events at the WRomt, Dewsbury bus museum.

The season kicked off with the event in spring, Sunday March 13th, with a historic vehicle running day, vehicle display and depot open day.

A huge selection of buses, coupled with good warm weather ensured the 2016 spring event was a bumper day and huge passenger numbers were recorded by the museum.

We went along with 577, starting the day with a trip over the 204 route from Morley to batley, specially extending to the bus museum to connect with the event in Ravensthorpe.

Black Prince operated the 204 in the early days of de-regulation, using Leopards and Nationals alongside REs.

577 could also be seen operating Dewsbury shuttle trips and a special service to Whitley.

A very enjoyable day was had and thanks are extended to all involved with the organisation of the event.

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