Good Evening All!...
As the first post on this new forum, I'm delighted to provide an update and some information about the Leeds Running Day, planned to happen on Sunday 14th August, 2022.
It is great to be able to get the event kickstarted again, after the awful time we have been through with the C-19 virus and tragic losses to the ranks of organising and volunteering staff over the last couple of years.
This year, I'll be partnering up with W.R.O.M.T ( and of course the Leeds museums so we shall be sharing our experience with an aim to improve and change a few things around - but not deviate too far from the original idea of the event - to link Leeds heritage sites together using Leeds (and district) heritage transport!
There's plenty of ideas on the table and as things progress I'll keep posting updates here on my new Black Prince enthusiasts forum, on the news blog and also Dewsbury bus museum will be able to relay information to a wide audience, keep an eye on the websites for updates.
I hope plenty of you can make it along on the day, enjoy riding a bus or two and spend some time exploring our superb Leeds historical places which are sadly often quietly forgotten about by Leeds City Council and we all need as much support as we can get!
The poster below is a JPG so should be shareable - please spread the word and let your friends know what will be happening on the day, it's an ideal cheap day out for the family and the children love to ride on the old buses and explore the attractions, its certainly been a huge hit in the past!
If you're a vehicle owner or organisation you'll also find an entry form* down the page which can be downloaded, filled in then emailed back across to myself or sent by Royal Mail as you prefer.
*Please note that parking is very limited at this event and most vehicles will be required to run in service during the day.
In terms of volunteering, if you'd be up for lending a hand, please get in touch with myself ( or Dewsbury bus museum via their website to offer your time to help us with tasks as required.
Further news to come as things develop with the planning!
Cheers for now